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About us


Rev. & Mrs. Chalowandya

Our background

The idea and initial name of the school was conceived in the year of 1986 by lezina Banda, who sits as a co-founder and Director of Academics. The school was only an idea up until the year 2002. In context, the name Nileleni also pronounced as Ndeleni in ichibemba originates from the eastern part of Zambia (Kulela Mwana). This means to cradle a child. The Motto Achieving excellence together was proposed by Mr Chalowandya one of the co-founders.

Despite been a profitable Business. The name and the schools motto embrace the fundamentals of philanthropy and inclusion of all children those with disabilities and the vulnerable.

In the early 2000s the school began operations as a nursery school In Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia; the house veranda was used as a classroom, which welcomed its first pupils. In the year 2005 after relocating to Kasama Northern Province, Mrs. Chalowandya together with her husband who is now Rev Chalowandya decided to rent a house which became one of the first pre-schools in Kasama.

The first block, known as the mother block a 1 by 4 building was petitioned between its classes to carter for the high demand. The school operated as a sole trader from 2005 to 2018. The current phase of Nileleni development began in 2010

In 2014, the second block was erected, a 1 by 4 which ushered the establishment to becoming a household name. The third block was built in 2018 a 1 by 3 and Plans for additional buildings are under progress. On the 25th of January 2018 Nileleni private school began operating as a company limited by shares having been known before the 1st day of March 2019 by the name Ndeleni private school limited.

Guiding Scripture

Our guiding scripture says: Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it - Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)


Inspire high expectation for life long success so that children can achieve their full potential and be responsible adults to their benefit  and of society.


To achieve excellence in providing quality pre-primary and primary education by training children in Christian ideals, values and morals.

    Our beliefs

  • Respect for each individual is fundamental to teaching and learning
  • All children can learn given appropriate time, instruction and access to resources.
  • Students must have an opportunity for high quality education in the least restrictive environment necessary to realize their potential
  • Students benefit academically in a safe, supportive and simulating environment
  • Students, learning, attendance and behavior improve when they are actively engaged in meaningful work.
  • Education is a shared responsibility. It is a partnership of home, school and the community.
  • An effective balance and interdependence must exist among the written curriculum, instruction in the classroom, and assessment for and of learning.
  • High standard and expectations must be maintained through a system of accountability for students, staff and schools
  • Quality faculty and other staff are essential to school excellence